The Back Page - December 30, 2102

PLEASE REMEMBER TO KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Agnes O., Vivian F., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., Helga W., Lecila M., Stan T., Wayne P., Neil K., Joyce S., Dennis H., Noah, Bill S., Bill Sch., and Dr. Tuffanelli.

MEETING TODAY:  Please stay after the service today for a special Voters Assembly Meeting. **Note:  At the meeting the Congregation voted to accept Pastor Meyer as the Interim Pastor, and approved the contract set forth by the Board of Governance.

BIBLE STUDY RESUMING:  Wednesday morning Bible Study will resume January 9th at 9 a.m.  Please join us for donuts, coffee, fellowship and getting to know our God!

HANGOUT:  The High School Hangout re-opens on Monday,the 7th of January.

OFFICE HOURS:  GLC Office hours are Tuesday & Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.  **Note:  Pastor Meyer will be here on Wednesdays and Sundays, per accepted contract.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including:  Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship.  Please contact the Office and we will put you in touch with the right leader!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  We are now in need of donations for 2013.  Please use your "Designated Offering" envelopes to contribute to this worthy mission!

TWO YEAR BIBLE READING CHALLENGE:  Keep track of your progress by checking off the sheet on the table in the Narthex.  Please pick up your January bookmark on the same table.

COMPUTER TUTORING:  How would you like up-to-date GLC News at your fingertips?  Contact Diane Totman at 272-2009 for help on setting up your own computer for easy access to the information you need the most!

The Back Page - December 23, 2012

PLEASE REMEMBER TO KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Agnes O., Vivian F., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., Helga W., Lecila M., Stan T., Wayne P., Neil K., Joyce S., Dennis H., Noah, Bill S., Bill Sch., and Dr. Tuffanelli.

CHRISTMAS SERVICES:  Please join us for our Christmas services!  Christmas Eve there will be a 7 p.m. Candlelight ServiceChristmas Day our service will be at 10 a.m.  Bring your friends and family to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

STAFF GIFTS:  For the traditional year end gifts for the staff, please use your designated envelope.

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS:  Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narthex.  Please pick up your December or January bookmarks on the same table.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship.  Please contact the office and we will put you in touch with the right leader!

THANK YOU:  Thank you for your donations to fund the Lutheran Hour on KNCO 830.  We are now in need of donations for 2013 funding.

COMPUTER HELP:  If you would like help in utilizing our website, contact Diane Totman at 272-2009 to set up an appointment.  You will get tutoring on your own computer and will set up easy access to the information you need the most!

OFFICE HOURS:  GLC office hours are Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.; and, Thursdays 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Lutheran Hour Ministries Christmas Specials

On NCTV:  Comcast Channel 11/Suddenlink Channel 16
Also, streamed on the internet at
"A Stableboy's Christmas"
The Emmy Award winning Christmas story within a story ... A family experiences the excitement and anticipation of the Holidays, while trying to keep the true meaning of Christmas at the center of their preparations.
Monday 12/24/2012, 6:10 PM
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 12:51 PM
"Red Boots for Christmas"
In the small town of Friedensdorf most of the homes and shops are brightly decorated.  One shop, however, doesn't have any Christmas decorations on the outside - or Christmas spirit on the inside!
Monday 12/24/2012, 8:45 PM
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 6:11 AM
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 3:25 PM
"The Puzzle Club Christmas Mystery"
It's Christmas, and some mysterious events have occurred which require some special investigative talents.
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 5:14 AM
"Little Shepherd"
A timeless story of Christmas with a twist.  As Joel embarks upon the journey of becoming a shepherd, he is worried about the dangers that lie ahead.  Witness, along with Joel, the transforming power of hope and love in the "Little Shepherd."
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 5:43 AM

On NCTV:  Comcast Channel 17/Suddenlink Channel 17
Also, streamed on the Internet at
"A Stableboy's Christmas"
Monday 12/24/2012, 9:40 PM
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 4:21 PM
"Red Boots for Christmas"
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 12:15 AM
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 9:41 AM
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 6:55 PM
"The Puzzle Club Christmas Mystery"
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 8:44 AM
"Little Shepherd"
Tuesday 12/25/2012, 9:13 AM

The Back Page--December 16, 2012

PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: Agnes O.,  Vivian F., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., Helga W., Lecila M., Stan T., Wayne P., Neil K., Joyce S., Dennis H., Noah, Bill S., and Bill Sch.

LWML SPONSORING 'LIVING WELL': LWML will have a basket in the Library for the unwrapped new baby shower gifts for Living Well's new mothers in need. Baby clothes sizes Newborn to 6 months much appreciated.

LWML LUNCHEON: Taking place Wednesday, December 19th, at 11:30 a.m. at Lake Wildwood Clubhouse. Choice of sandwich or salad, cost is $15. Sign-up sheet is in the Narthex. Please indicate on the sheet if you need a ride. We will meet at the church first.

CHRISTMAS SERVICES:  Please join us for our Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve at 7 p.m.  And for our Christmas Day service at 10 a.m.  Bring your family and friends to celebrate the birth of our Lord!

GLC OFFICE HOURS:  Please note the Office hours are Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

STAFF APPRECIATION OFFERINGS:  Please use your designated offering envelope by Sunday, December 23rd, for the traditional year end gift for the staff.

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS: Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narthex. Please pick up your December bookmark on the same table.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship. Please contact the office and we will put you in touch with the correct leader!

UPDATE: Thank you for your donations to fund the Lutheran Hour on KNCO (Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m.) We are still in need of funding for 2013.

COMPUTER HELP AVAILABLE: Diane Totman will help you make the most of the Grace Lutheran website. One-on-one tutoring, on your own computer. Call 272-2009 to make an appointment.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY, December 18th at 1 p.m.

Please mark your calendars for December 18th, 1:00 p.m., for Bible study in the Library.  Our lesson is based on the much-loved hymn, "I Love to Tell the Story."  If you were asked to tell the "old, old story" of Jesus today, what highlights of His Story would you share?  We will study scripture passages for examples of telling Jesus' Story from our LWML Fall Quarterly.  Bring your Bibles and Quarterly.  I look forward to studying God's Word with you.

After the study we will have a time of fellowship and refreshments.  Each lady is asked to bring a small sample of cookies or other Christmas "goodies" for all of us to share. 

With love in the Lord,

"For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12

The Back Page - December 9, 2012

PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Agnes O., Gloria R., Vivian F., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., Helga W., Lecila M., the family of Joe S., the family of Monica J., Stan T., Wayne P., Neil K., Joyce S., Dennis H., Noah, Bill S., and Bill Sch.

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS:  Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narthex.  Please pick up your December bookmark on the same table.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship.  Please contact the office and we will put you in touch with the correct leader!

UPDATE:  Thank you for your donations to fund the Lutheran Hour on KNCO (Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m.)  We are still in need of funding for 2013.

MEETING TODAY!!! Congregational Meeting after the service.  The Youth Group will provide a lunch of baked potatoes with all the fixings.

COMPUTER HELP AVAILABLE:  Diane Totman will help you make the most of the Grace Lutheran website. One-on-one tutoring, on your own computer. Call 272-2009 to make an appointment.

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST (Hosted by Men's Ministry):  Men and Ladies, join your friends in Christ for a special Christmas breakfast, along with fellowship and music. We will be at the Happy Apple Kitchen in Chicago Park (Hwy 174) on Saturday, December 15th at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $12 inclusive of tax & tip, payable to Bud or Eric by December 8th. The restaurant's limit is 40, so sign up early!

BITES FOR MITES:  After today, there is only one Sunday left for the 'No Bake Sale' Cookie Jar in the Narthex--let's fill it up!!!

LWML SPONSORING 'LIVING WELL':  LWML will have a basket in the Library for the unwrapped new baby shower gifts for Living Well's new mothers in need.  Baby clothes sizes Newborn to 6 months much appreciated.

LWML LUNCHEON:  Taking place Wednesday, December 19th, at 11:30 a.m. at Lake Wildwood Clubhouse.  Choice of sandwich or salad, cost is $15.  Sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.  Please indicate on the sheet if you need a ride.  We will meet at the church first.

LUNCH BUNCH:  Come on out to Lumberjack's on Friday, December 14th, at 1 p.m. with the Lunch Bunch.  Sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.

UPDATE: Advent Prayer Services Cancelled

Sorry to announce that due to low turn out, the Advent Prayer Services that were scheduled for Wednesdays, December 12th and 19th, have been cancelled.  Thank you to those of you who did attend the Service held on December 5th.


Advent Prayer Services will be held on three Wednesdays, December 5th, 12th, and 19th at 5pm.  They will be led by an Elder.  All are welcome!  These services will last about 1/2 hour each.

The Back Page -- December 2, 2012

PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Agnes O., Gloria R., Vivian F., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., Helga W., Lecila M., Joe S., Monica J., Stan T., Wayne P., Neil K., Joyce S., Dennis H., Noah, Bill S. and Bill Sch.

IMPORTANT CONGREGATIONAL MEETING:  December 9th, there will be a Congregational Meeting after the 10 a.m. Blended Service.  Elections will be held.  The Youth Group will be providing a 'Baked Potato with all the fixings' Lunch.  ELECTIONS:  There are two elder positions and three Board of Governance positions expiring at the end of this year.  If anyone is interested in being an Elder or on the BOG, please express your interest to the current members to get your name on the ballot.  Current Elders and BOG members can be re-nominated for another term.  However, we are always looking for new faces.  Please prayerfully consider before running.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!  COLLA VOCE will be here on December 8th at 7 p.m.  Be sure to purchase your tickets soon!

HELP DECORATE for Christmas!  Saturday, December 8th--We will get started at 9 a.m.

CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST (hosted by Men's Ministries):  Men and Ladies, join your friends in Christ for a special Christmas breakfast, along with fellowship and music.  We will be at the Happy Apple Kitchen in Chicago Park (Hwy 174) on Saturday, December 15th at 8:30 a.m.  Cost is $12 inclusive of tax & tip, payable to Bud or Eric by December 8th.  The restaurant's limit is 40, so sign up early!

LWML LUNCHEON:  Will be held Wednesday, December 19th at Lake Wildwood, starting at 11:30 a.m.  Choice of sandwich or salad, cost is $15.  Sign up sheet is in the Narthex.  We will meet at church first for those that need a ride, please indicate such on the sign up sheet.

BITES FOR MITES:  There are only two Sundays left for the Cookie Jar-let's fill it up!

BABY SHOWER:  LWML will have a basket in the Library for unwrapped new baby gifts for 'Living Well'.  Baby clothes in Newborn sizes (O-6mo) appreciated. 

COMPUTER HELP:  Diane Totman will help you make the most of the Grace Lutheran website.  One-on-one tutoring, on your own computer.  Call 272-2009 to make an appointment.

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS:  Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narhex.  Please pick up your December bookmark on the same table.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES:  We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship.  Please contact the Office and we will put you in touch with the right leader!

Update and thank you for your donations to fund the Lutheran Hour on KNCO.  We are still in need of donations for funding for this next year.