By Reverend John-Paul Meyer, Interim Pastor

WHY LENT?  Why, every year, must we spend 40 days thinking about things like sin, and suffering, and repentance, and death, and renewal?  Why can't we do that on our own when we're in the mood; when we have time; when experiences around us force us to confront the realities of sin and death? Why do we have to force ourselves into dealing with these thoughts when they don't square with our feelings?

Some have wondered aloud about these things.  Others have said, "I hate Lent, just give me Easter?"  Maybe that is why so much of U. S. Christianity avoids Lent.  And, other than Mardi Gras, most of the U.S. knows nothing of Lent.  Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which is February 13th this year, and ends with Easter Sunday Vespers Services at 6:00 PM on March 31st.

Frankly, no one HAS to observe Lent.  The Evangelical Catholic Church (which includes Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Angelical/Episcopalian churches) is not in the business of establishing a whole bunch of new rules and regulations which will bind the conscience of her people and hold them captive.  But The Church, as part of her ministry, does wish to give people an opportunity to remember Jesus, His life, His love, His teachings, His signs and deeds, His misery, His suffering, His rejection, His God-awful death, and His wholly-unexpected resurrection.  The most meaningful and orderly way The Church has found to teach these things is to establish the seasons of The Church's Year of Grace -- each of which is devoted to remembering a particular aspect of Christ's life and teaching.

And so in Advent, we await the coming of the promised Messiah.  At Christmas, we behold the gift of salvation wrapped in flesh and blood as Bethlehem's Child.  In Epiphany, the wrappings of the Christmas gift are off and we behold the gift at work -- teaching, preaching, healing, making whole. At Easter time, the great resurrection promise takes shape in the Risen Christ -- a preliminary resurrection to the one He promises each of us by Baptism and faith.  At Pentecost, we are inheritors of revealed teaching and the community of faith brought about by the teaching through the indwelling of The Spirit.

Then, there is Lent -- those forty days that bring us to the foot of the Cross, where we are confronted with the darkest realities of our existence:  temptation, sin, betrayal, suffering and death.  There at the foot of the Cross, we remember how God did, and still does, work out our ultimate rescue in Christ.

It's true, you can ignore The Church's call to Lent and Lenten renewal.  There's no law that says we have to think about these things at this time of the year.  Yet, I find myself encouraging you to deliberately use this Lent as an opportunity to remember and to be renewed in mind and spirit.  Believe me, it will make your Easter more meaningful and more joyful!  A Blessed Lent!

The Back Page - January 27, 2013

PLEASE REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Agnes O., Vivian R., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., the family of Helga W., Lecila M., Stan T., Wayne P., Neil K., Joyce S., Dennis H., Noah, Bill S., and Dr. Tuffanelli.

INTERIM SMALL GROUP MEETINGS:  Our Small Group Meetings start TODAY.  All meetings are at 2 p.m. in the Social Hall.  Please see the enclosed sheet to see which meeting you are assigned to.  (TODAY:  Lastnames ALB to GAG.  FEB. 3:  GIB to LIL.  FEB 10:  LIN to ROS.  FEB 17:  ROT to WOO.)

SWEETHEART BREAKFAST:  Men, women and children are all invited to the Men’s Ministry gathering for its annual Sweetheart Breakfast at 9am on February 16th in the Social Hall.  The men will serve breakfast followed by some sing along entertainment.  The meal, fellowship and song is always enjoyable.  Please join us.  Rides will be provided for the asking.  Sign-up on the sheet you will find on a table in the Narthex.  Please sign up by February 13th.

SOUPER BOWL SUNDAYS:  Help support IFM by contributing to the Bowl, Souper Bowl that is, on Sundays, February 3rd and 10th.  Matching funds will come from Thrivent.  Please make checks payable to:  Grace Lutheran Church, and in the memo line please write "Souper Bowl".

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS:  Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narthex.  Please pick up you January bookmark on the same table.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES:  We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including:  Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship.  Please contact the Office and we will put you in touch with the right leader!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  Thank you for your donations for 2012 to fund The Lutheran Hour on KNCO 830 on Sundays at 7:30 a.m.  We are now seeking funding for 2013.  Please use your 'Designated Offering' envelope to contribute.  Thank you!

OFFICE HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS:  1) Be sure to check and clean out your mailbox in the Library.  Thank you.  2) Submissions for the Bulletin are due to the Office no later than Wednesday afternoon.  You can call or email us at admin@gracelutherangv.org.  3) GLC Staff wants to thank the congregation for their kind and generous gift.  It is our pleasure to serve!

The Back Page - January 20, 2013

Agnes O., Bill S., Bill Sch., Dennis H., Dr. Tuffanelli, Edna R., Elrine B., Gladys H., Helga W., Homer L., Joyce S., June D., Lecila M., LouAnn B., Marge C., Neil K., Noah, Ruth M., Stan T., Vivian F., and Wayne P.

INTERIM MEETINGS: Our small cottage-style group meetings will start next week, on Sunday, January 27th at 2 p.m. in the Social Hall. Please see the enclosed sheet to see what meeting you are assigned to. NOTE: If you did not receive the Meeting Assignment sheet, please call the Office at 273-7043 to check on your assigned date. Info from Letter: "...we will have five small group gatherings at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. You will be asked to attend one of these meetings which will last 60 to 90 minutes. These meetings will begin January 27 and be done by February 24. Each member will be invited to one of four meetings. The fifth meeting will be scheduled to accommodate members unable to attend a meeting on their assigned date."

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Articles for the February Newsletter are due in by the 25th of January. Please send them to: webmaster@gracelutherangv,org, or, place hand- or type-written articles in the Totman's mailbox in the Library. Thank you!

LIBRARY MAILBOXES: Be sure to check and clean out your mailboxes in the Library. Thank you!

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS: Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narthex. Please pick up your January bookmark on the same table.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including: Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship. Please contact the Office, and we will put you in touch with the right leader.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR: Thank you for your 2012 donations to fund The Lutheran Hour on KNCO 830AM at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We are now seeking funds to continue our sponsorship for 2013. You may use your Designated Offerings envelopes to contribute at any time.

COMPUTER HELP: Have a computer and internet access and want current information at your fingertips, but unsure of computer and internet use? Contact Diane Totman at 272-2009, to make an appointment. Will come to your home and help set up easy access, and tutor you on utilizing our GLC website (and other sites, as well).

OFFICE HOURS: GLC Office hours are Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and, Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

SIGN UP CALENDAR FOR FLOWERS:  The new Flower Calendar has arrived--please stop by the office and claim your Sunday for flowers!

The Back Page - January 13, 2013

Agnes O., Bill S., Bill Sch., Dennis H., Dr. Tuffanelli, Edna R., Elrine B., Gladys H., Helga W., Homer L., Joyce S., June D., Lecila M., LouAnn B., Marge C., Neil K., Noah, Ruth M., Stan T., Vivian F., and Wayne P.

INTERIM MEETINGS:  Our small cottage-style group meetings will start in two weeks, on Sunday, January 27th at 2 p.m. in the Social Hall.  Please see the enclosed sheet to see what meeting you are assigned to.  NOTE:  If you did not receive the Meeting Assignment sheet, please call the Office at 273-7043 to check on your assigned date.  Info from Letter:  "...we will have five small group gatherings at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons.  You will be asked to attend one of these meetings which will last 60 to 90 minutes.  These meetings will begin January 27 and be done by February 24.  Each member will be invited to one of four meetings.  The fifth meeting will be scheduled to accommodate members unable to attend a meeting on their assigned date."

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE:  Articles for the February Newsletter are due in by the 25th of January.  Please send them to:  webmaster@gracelutherangv,org, or, place hand- or type-written articles in the Totman's mailbox in the Library.  Thank you!

LIBRARY MAILBOXES:  Be sure to check and clean out your mailboxes in the Library.  Thank you!

THANK YOU! ...to everyone that helped take down the Christmas decorations!

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS:  Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narthex.  Please pick up your January bookmark on the same table.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  We are in search of helpers for all ministries, including:  Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship.  Please contact the Office, and we will put you in touch with the right leader.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  Thank you for your 2012 donations to fund The Lutheran Hour on KNCO 830AM at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.  We are now seeking funds to continue our sponsorship for 2013.  You may use your Designated Offerings envelopes to contribute at any time.

COMPUTER HELP:  Have a computer and internet access and want current information at your fingertips, but unsure of computer and internet use?  Contact Diane Totman at 272-2009, to make an appointment.  Will come to your home and help set up easy access, and tutor you on utilizing our GLC website (and other sites, as well).

OFFICE HOURS:  GLC Office hours are Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and, Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Back Page - January 6, 2013

Agnes O., Vivian F., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., Helga W., Lecila M., Stan T., Wayne P., Neil K., Joyce S., Dennis H., Noah, Bill S., Bill Sch., and Dr. T.

INTERIM MEETINGS:  Beginning Sunday, January 27th at 2 p.m., there will be a series of Small Group Meetings.  Details to be announced soon.

Ladies Bible Study--Tuesday, January 15th at 1 p.m.
LWML Meeting--Wednesday, January 16th at 10:30 a.m.
Men's Ministry Meeting--Saturday, January 19th at 8:30 a.m.

OFFICE HOURS:  Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

READ THE BIBLE IN TWO YEARS:  Let us know of your progress by checking off the progress sheet on the table in the Narthex.  Pick up your January bookmark at the same table.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  We are in need of helpers for all ministries, including:  Properties, Outreach, Altar Guild, Ushers, Counting, and Fellowship.  Please contact the Office, and we will put you in touch with the correct ministry leader.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR:  We sponsor The Lutheran Hour on KNCO 830AM on Sundays at 7:30 a.m., and we now are in need of funds for our 2013 sponsorship.  You can make donations using your Designated Offering envelopes.  Thank you!

GLC WEBSITE:  If you have internet access, and are wanting up-to-date information regarding Grace Lutheran Church, call Diane Totman at 272-2009 for help/tutoring in setting up one-touch access to the information you need the most.

Interim Ministry Goals

Central to our congregation is the resurrection or our Lord and Savior, Jesus, a gift to us of God's guarantee of everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ.  As we work toward calling our next settled pastor, we will maintain the worship services, Bible studies, and activities that have been serving members and guests while we seek to reach some important interim ministry goals: 
  1. Assist the congregation to come to terms with its history.
  2. Assist Grace Lutheran to understand who they are in the present context and what God is calling them to be.
  3. Assist the congregation to adjust leadership patterns and procedures welcoming leadership gifts from the whole congregation.
  4. Assist the congregation to renew its relationship to the Circuit, District, and Synod.
  5. Assist the congregation to prepare for and become committed to new pastoral leadership in the future. 
During this time, if you have a need for pastoral care, please call the GLC Office at 273-7043 to be put in touch with an Elder or Pastor John-Paul Meyer.