The Back Page - from November 3, 2013 Bulletin

Agnes O., Vivian F., Marge C., Elrine B., Edna R., Ruth M., Gladys H., LouAnn B., June D., Homer L., Lecila M., Noah, Marlene L., Rich & Carolyn C., Pat R., Barbara K., Diane H., Gloria R., and Jim H.

INTERIM/CALL COMMITTEE:  The Call Committee is making progress!  As of October 20th, five phone interviews have been made, with three (possibly four) more scheduled over the next two weeks.  There will be a Special Voters Meeting (for the congregation to vote for a Pastor to Call) on Sunday, November 24th immediately after the Single Service at 10am.  Synopses of the interviews will be available to the congregation on Sunday, November 10th.

IFM SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER:   Join us Friday, November 8th at Paulette's Country Kitchen, 5 to 8pm.  Tickets are $10/ea. and can be purchased from Mary A.  Dinner includes spaghetti, salad, and a roll.  Drinks, desserts, and prizes are available for an additional cost.

CHANGE FOR LIFE:  This is the last week of this fundraiser!  Please return your baby bottle full of change to GLC by Sunday, November 10th.  Thank you for all of your help!

FREE FIREWOOD!  First come, first serve.  Contact Diane T. to schedule a pick-up.

LWML:  MITES FOR BITES! - This is a NO BAKE - BAKE SALE.  There is a Cookie Jar in the Narthex to collect your donations.  Suggested donation--how much would you spend on cake/cookie mixes, etc. or how much would you spend to purchase a yummy goodie?  That sounds like a good amount!

The spare key to the Social Hall bathrooms is missing!  Please return it to the office.

Please make sure that the coffee pots are turned off and unplugged if you are the last one out of the Narthex.  They have been found on three times last month.  This is a FIRE HAZARD!